I finished out the sheetrock, fixed all the windows, re-stained the wood, painted the tongue and groove ceiling and the walls, and Richie rebuilt the closet. The floors were patched and then sealed, then topped with 3 coats of polish wax. They’re really pretty and feel smooth under foot.

I finished out the sheetrock, fixed all the windows, re-stained the wood, painted the tongue and groove ceiling and the walls, and Richie rebuilt the closet.  The floors were patched and then sealed, then topped with 3 coats of polish wax.  They're really pretty and feel smooth under foot.

I finished out the sheetrock, fixed all the windows, re-stained the wood, painted the tongue and groove ceiling and the walls, and Richie rebuilt the closet. The floors were patched and then sealed, then topped with 3 coats of polish wax. They’re really pretty and feel smooth under foot.

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