Color Explosion

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I know, I know, what’s so great about flowers. The thing is I LOVE THEM! So let me apologize for anyone who reads our blog regularly… I’m obsessed …. and you’ll see more than your share. I plant flowers everywhere in my yard and I’m always amazed at how big and beautiful they get. I never thought I had a green thumb, but apparently it’s got some color to it… just like my yard. It’s also amazing that we’re in the middle of one of one of the worst droughts in Texas and it just hasn’t affected these plants. Trust ….

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Well, I don’t know what you call it, but I think it’s pretty fun. This weeks estate sale find that just was too unique to pass up. Yes, we have a thing for wind chimes, spinners, hanging sculptures, twirly whirlies, and whatchamadoodles. They’re hanging everywhere around the house and we can’t seem to resist them, especially for $1.00.  Another good find.
Seeing all those little sticks makes me want to do a fun project that I’ve had in my head for a while.  Can you say “Sunburst”.  More about that later…..

Door Makeover

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Once again a weekend comes and goes and I didn’t accomplish everything I wanted… but not because I didn’t try.
I’m trying to finish the guest bedroom and still need to paint the old hollow core door so I got to work on that.  I just refuse to throw something in the land fill if I think I can fix it or make it look better.
The really sad thing is I took a “before” picture and the old door had a stamp on the end of it that said “October 30, 1957”. Wow, I just thought that was ….

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Good Finds

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This weeks estate sale finds were SWEET and unexpected. It’s not often that you find really nice art books but here are a few we happily added to our collection:
Jean Michel Basquiat – Basquiat Drawings
Willem de Kooning
Picasso and Photography
and Art From Found Materials

I believe this Basquiat book below (WE LOVE HIS WORK!) is out of print.  This is our second copy and I’ve seen them go for between $150 – $300.

I have a love for jewelry and I make a lot of mine, but silver jewelry is my ….

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Modern Home Tours

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Even though it’s been a couple of weeks since the last tour of our house, I haven’t had a chance to thank everyone (60 of you!) for coming and for your interest in modern architecture and our home in particular. Living in this house while trying to renovate has been a challenge, but so worth it.   It was such a great surprise to see our home featured in Rice Design Alliance’s, Cite Magazine.
CLICK HERE for Magazine Article (.JPG)
Overall, I try to focus on the fact that so many people love modern architecture and design and the ….

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Air Plants Get a Home

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In an earlier post I showed you my new little air plants (Tillandsia) and have been working to find them a home. I purchased some globes from CB2 with this plan in mind but as I put one together I realized that although it looks lovely, surely I could come up with something a little more creative and “funky”.

This calls for a visit to Richie’s junk boxes! Richie is a “junker”, a lover of old things and a collector of some of the most amazing “junk”. He uses them in his artwork and is constantly ….

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The weekend goes by WAY too fast, but it was a fun and productive one. I had several projects going at once (as usual)… because my brain won’t stop thinking about stuff. It’s insane. I’m insane. :-)
A think about the silliest things sometimes… but I really wanted an orange pillow for the guest bedroom. Something orange, anything orange… come on people how hard can it be to find a orange pillow? Damn near impossible. Of course I always want things that I can’t find or if I do it costs $100 for a pillow. (sigh!) So I went to the ….

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New Fence Prep

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We’re getting ready to replace the old, rotten, falling down fences in the backyard but there are issues as always. The fence along the back probably wouldn’t be in such bad shape if the neighbor in back kept their jasmine for growing on it for years. It literally took over the fence and was pulling it down. It constantly stayed wet.. and well.. you know what happens then. ROT! So a new fence is on the way.  (probably June)
Richie had to get permission from then neighbor to go into their yard and completely clean out all the CRAP that was ….

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First Pick

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This morning we were working in the garden and saw so many beans ready to be picked. We’ve never grown green beans before and I really love them so I was SUPER excited to pick some. Richie came in with a whole handful perfect for dinner tonight. Ahhhh, fresh green beans with no pesticides.. grown in our own backyard.   Later Richie’s parents stopped by and brought us cucumbers, new potatoes, and yellow squash from their garden. When the weather gets this warm it’s all I want to eat…. fruits and veggies.

Leaving the Nest

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Today we went back out to the tree to check on the baby Robins and they were gone!  How lucky was I to get a picture of them right before the were about to leave the nest.  We got kind of worried about them being gone and it wasn’t until a couple hours later that we realized that the mother Robin was still hanging around and chirping alot…. so we looked and looked and finally found one of them on the edge of a limb ready to give it a try.  I’m assuming the other one took off and did ….

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Little Birdies

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I love to see things like this and it doesn’t happen very often!  Richie spotted this nest in a small tree in our front yard and the mama bird has been tending to them like crazy.  The picture is fuzzy because it was really hard to get to them.  They are hidden really well and that’s just the way mama bird likes it!  She gets fussy when we go near the tree.  Too sweet, right.

Tomato, Toemato, and Beans too!

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Every year Richie looks forward to spring so he can plant his garden.  Since moving into this house we have not been able to have a garden because of the condition of the yard and all the work that was being done.  Finally after almost 2 years, he got a garden together and it really makes the yard come to life.  We planted tomatoes (grape, cherry, and big varieties) and green beans.  Everything is growing so well.  I’m drooling and can’t wait to cut into one.  Patience… it won’t be too much longer.

Air Plants!

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I’m in Love!
My air plants arrived in the mail today and they are just the coolest, weirdest, most beautiful things I’ve seen.  I can tell this may become another one of my obsessions.  I couldn’t resist taking some pictures of them after they “took a bath”.  They had to take a nice bath after their journey from Seattle and now they’re ready for their containers.  Hummm…. so many fun options for these little babies.  I bought some great little glass balls at CB2 for these and I need to just put them all together.  Make the ….

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