I hate making decisions sometimes. Don’t you? Especially important ones.
I’ve had to make some major ones lately and it’s been kind of insane around our house.

Beautiful pink magnolias in our yard. Hello Spring!
I’ll keep this short and sweet (okay, maybe not short or sweet but you know what I mean).
So many of you have reached out to me over the last month or so and I want you to know how much I appreciate it. Every sweet comment and email has meant the world to me!
So here’s the latest. I will be having surgery on my back, Tuesday the 8th at 7:30 a.m. They’ll be doing a lumbar micro discectomy on my spine to alleviate the pain caused by a herniated disc and pinched nerve. I figure if Tiger Woods can cancel a major masters tournament and get through this same surgery … SO CAN I! Even HE has been suffering from this crap. Poor guy. I feel his pain. LITERALLY!
The surgery is pretty simple. I say that only to mean it’s simple to understand. Please don’t try this at home. HA HA! It’s a procedure that allows the surgeon to remove the portion of the herniated disc that is pushing out and pinching the nearby sciatic nerve. Who knew that nerves could cause so much pain. Now I totally understand “you’re getting on my nerves”. Trust me, it’s not something you want anyone to say to you. It’s not good!
I’m nervous as hell and NEVER EVER thought I’d be in this situation but in the same breath I almost can’t wait to get it over with. The idea that I will soon be able to get through a day without excruciating muscle pain, numbness and tingling makes me more than happy to put on a gown that will leave my bare ass on display. Take a look, enjoy the view, I don’t even care — I want my life back! So if you have room in your prayers for one more. I’d sure appreciate it!
After the surgery I have two weeks to be a good patient and get myself back to work, as our on-air fundraising begins the week I get back. ( If I was a golfer it would be more like MONTHS) As many of you know, I work for an NPR Radio station and my main job is fundraising. Yep, fine timing isn’t it. I figure I’ve never missed a fundraiser in the 14 years I’ve been there and I don’t want to start now. Especially since it will be my last.
In the middle of all this I did accept the job that was offered to me in another department at the University I work for. So May 1st I will officially start my position as University Website Editor. I will have the pleasure of working with all the academic departments on campus helping them each to achieve a web presence they and the University can be proud of. Working in a web environment full-time has always been something I sort of “dreamed” of doing and now I have the chance. I’m excited for the opportunity!
Richie will be my nurse for a while, but then again he has been one since January. I don’t know what I’d do without him. I’m sure he’s sick and tired of it so I’m looking forward to being able to contribute again. He’s been working in the yard trying to tidy things up after the long hard winter. I still have one tree that I’m not sure of. No leaves yet but I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
The yard is getting lush and green and the regular mowing has begun. I look forward to feeling better and getting outside to plant a few new things and fill up some new and very cool pots Richie found at estate sales in the last few weeks. More on that later.
Hope you’re all well and forgive me for being so absent. It will be very low-key around the blog for a while but I hope you all know how much I appreciate your visits. You people are the best!
(Kristen, Jessica, and Natalie — I adore you all! Thank you for being there for me. You ladies have given me so much strength, love and support!)
Wish me luck…. and I’ll update as soon as I can. Or whenever the pain meds allow. Which of course will provide Richie some great stories to tell while I’m on them. He loves laughing at me when I’m LOOPY!
P.S. Thank goodness for Netflix! I’m finally going to have time to catch up with the rest of the world and watch Breaking Bad!
Your yard is already looking so good! Everything is getting green here, but we’re not quite there yet. I’ll be thinking about you and sending all kinds of positive vibes your way. Maybe Richie can let us know how the surgery went.?
Oh Dana, I love this time of year… watching everything come back to life. It makes me so happy! Every year the hard work we put into our landscape gets better and better and I appreciate it with each season. It’s a joy to watch. I’m afraid that I did lose my red bud tree in the front yard, though. It still doesn’t have blooms on it and it really should by now. I’ll be sad to lose that tree. Fingers crossed that it comes back to life soon.
Thank you for your sweet thoughts and positive vibes. I need all those I can get and I know you have true concern so it means a lot to me. Thanks, Dana! I’ll definitely let you know how it all went asap. I’m anxious to get this behind me. I have missed so much over the last 4 months and it’s time to get back to the things I love. Hugs!
Hugs back! I really will be thinking about you tomorrow morning and sending my most positive thoughts your way. Also sending some good vibes to the redbud tree! :)
I will continue to pray for you Stacey :-)
That means the world to me. Thanks again Sherree. I will draw strength and comfort from that and get myself well again. You’re wonderful!
We will be praying for you today, tomorrow, Tuesday and through your recovery! Get well soon!!!!! And thank you for the sweet mention. I feel I owe you a lot, and I am so glad that the blogging world brought us together.
Thanks my friend! Your emails have meant so much to me and I look forward to getting back to my life as I know it. Talk to you soon. xo
Okay, go for it, Stacey! Your positive attitude will get you through this and I am sure you will be “back” on track (sorry) in no time. Btw, it seems that lil birdie showed up to watch over you – he’s probably also very good at fundraising if you need an assistant…All my best from New York! :)
Thank you, Jocelyn! Isn’t that little bird so cute. The robins are everywhere right now building nests and enjoying the spring weather. I love this time of year. I’m looking forward to getting well and getting out in it. I miss working in the yard. Thanks for the sweet words and support. I appreciate you more than you know. xo
Ok, on Tuesday, I will be sending a crap load of positive vibes all the way to Texas!!! This will guarantee that all will be well and you will be back line dancing and herding cows in no time at all!!! :-) Your yard looks beautiful (BE-ATCH!!! we still have a metre of snow on the ground!) and I can’t wait to see Ritchie’s new found plant pots!
Lots of love my friend,
I love it when you call me BE-ATCH! It makes me laugh out loud and smile from ear to ear. Herding COWS! I’m afraid I’m going to have to herded. 4 months of sitting around will do that to a girl. The pots he found are really nice. The funny thing is he’s always bitching about me having too many plants and then brings home more pots from estate sales. I think he secretly loves my plant obsession. I’m looking forward to getting something pretty in them. Thanks again for all the positive vibes and your day to day friendship. You’re awesome! I’ll email you when it’s done. xo
Hi Stacey! I’m so glad you wrote this to let us know when your surgery is. I’ve thought of you often recently, wondering if you’ve already had it and how you are doing. I’ll be sending you lots of positive energy on Tuesday and beyond. I hope all goes well and your recover is quick! (Just be careful and don’t try to rush things … listen to your bod!) I agree–have Richie give us an update if you’re not up to it. And, at the very least, I hope your surgical team appreciates your ass! :) FEEL BETTER FAST!!! –D’
Thank you D’Arcy! I appreciate your concern SO MUCH. I’m going to be so careful it will be RIDICULOUS! I have MADE Richie take the rest of the week off with me so I won’t feel the need to do “stuff”. I don’t want to do anything I’m not suppose to. BLAH ha ha ha ha! I hope they appreciate how large my ass has become since this happened. (laughing). I still can’t understand why it’s necessary to be butt-ass naked for that. Seriously? A pair of disposable panties would be most appreciated. It’s laughable! Love ya! I’ll check in as soon as I can.
Sorry about your back, but glad to hear you are having it fixed. Mike suffered so many years with his, and is a new man since Dr. Shrontz fixed him. The world lost a great surgeon with his passing. Follow doctors orders….that’s they key!
Thanks, Lynda! It’s comforting to hear success stories like Mike’s. You’ve known me for almost all my adult life so you know how active I am. This has made me appreciate every tiny move my body has ever been able to make. Constant pain makes life miserable and not like the life you know. I know it will be a while but I’m so excited at the idea of getting it all back. I WILL definitely follow orders. You know I’m good at that!! Dr. Angel is doing the surgery and I’ve heard so much good about him. I really like him and he has a great bed side manner. I figure with a name like Angel I’ll be in good hands. Now if he was Dr. Devil that might throw up some red flags! HA HA HA HA! Thanks for saying hello. Love you. Hugs!
can’t believe tomorrow is the big day, stacey! i can imagine that would be a bit nerve racking, but i hope the anticipation of having a healthy and whole back again if far outweighing any anxiety. kudos to richie for being such a good and patient caregiver. i will be thinking of you tomorrow and hope that the next two weeks (only two weeks, woman?!) are restful and healing before you start your new job. and thank goodness you have the majority of 2014 left to finish it well. peace and love, stace!
Congrats on the new job! You will rock it.
And I’m praying for you tomorrow and over the next few weeks as you recover from the surgery. I actually have a few good friends that have undergone the same procedure and being a good patient seriously makes all the difference. You’ll be great!
Try House of Cards too! Good luck and safe recovery.
You’ve got this! Directing my prayers this morning to the surgeon and staff caring for you, and those loved ones waiting anxiously for you on the other side.
Thanks Kristin! The surgery went well and I’m doing so good. I’ve been up and down walking around most of the day. Only on very minor pain and Tylenol drip.
Haven’t really needed much else. It felt so good to walk around with no leg pain. There were wonderful moments when I was standing and visiting with family that I felt almost normal. Such a blessing. I appreciate all your great advice and hope to not even have to start or be on any serious meds. I’m so alert. Maybe too much so. I need to try to get some sleep.
Take care of YOU and thanks for also taking care of me.
That sounds fantastic, just checking in before heading to bed. I’ll sleep better now – now you, rest!
Thinking of you today as I sit in St. E imaging for a mammogram. :) Hoping all went well and you are sleeping it off! With Mike’s surgery I was surprised to see his incision was about 1 inch long, and put together with super glue!!!! :) All those years of agony fixed in a blink of an eye!!!! Prayers your way! L
Oh, Stacey, you poor thing! I’m crossing all fingers for you, I’m ABSOLUTELY sure the surgery will go well, and you will get your life back ! Congratulations on getting the new exciting job, can’t wait to hear everything about it! And finally, your garden looks beautiful!! Best of luck, Stacey!! xx
Hi Stacey, checking in a little late here, but I hope that everything went well, and you are on the road to recovery! Sounds like you have a lot of things to look forward to – congrats on your new job!!!!