Take A Seat

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I’m often asked… WHY?  Why in the world don’t you hire someone to finish up this house of yours?  Good grief, that’s an excellent question and my usual answer is … well, because there’s lots of stuff I can do myself and hiring someone is not only expensive but a nightmare.  (we’ve all been there!)  NIGHTMARE!  But this post is about another reason we do it all ourselves.

The thing is that I’m not a rich person.  I make a good living and so does my husband… but we are not wealthy people.  We have beautiful things that we’ve worked very hard for and that is the exact reason we have them.  WE WORK HARD FOR THEM!   When I’m not at my day job, I’m usually working on websites ( to support my husband’s book buying habits).  The man can read a novel in 1 day.  My bookshelves are overflowing.  Anyway, I work hard for every penny at work, and here at home.  It was how I was raised.  We spend our money on things we need but I am one of those women who HATES to shop.  Don’t ask me to spend a day shopping.  I’D RATHER CHANGE THE OIL IN MY CAR.  NOT!  I buy a few nice things and wear/use them repeatedly until they fall apart.  I save, save, save my money.  I always have.
Buuutt… when it’s time for something I really want I have no problem getting it.  Because lets face it… you’ve seen how hard we’ve worked and what all we’ve accomplished —  that adds up to a lot of savings.

So when it came to wrapping up my office renovation I knew the only thing it needed was a beautiful office chair.  It was a no-brainer.  It has been on my list since 1997.  YES, I have a list.  Don’t judge me.  Ha Ha!  An Eames Aluminum Group Office Chair made by Herman Miller.   There, I said it.  I WANT IT and I wasn’t going to wait any longer.

It stared with a friend allowing me to use and sit in his vintage chair for a week just to be sure I was really going to like this chair.  DUH!  Of course that only made me love it even more. It was a done deal.  Call me spoiled.
The fabric samples arrived.  And a choice was made.  Hello Maharam Messenger Satsuma.  With your 100,000 double rub abrasion rating.  YOU WILL BE PERFECT!

maharam satsuma

Of course it almost makes me sad to see the market so saturated with mid-century designs.
When we started out is wasn’t very popular and you could get vintage pieces for next to nothing.  Now it’s so much more difficult and everywhere I turn these pieces are popping up in main stream design.  It’s like punk-rock going top 40.  That sucks!  But I guess you can’t really blame designers for loving beautifully made pieces that are timeless.  So I forgive.

People are using these chairs in lovely spaces… even their dining rooms.



eames-indining2 eames-tan eames-white

I ordered the chair from Y-Living and they were so accommodating; checking up with me via email and sending out sample after sample, all arriving in less than 48 hours.  I highly recommend them.
They kept me updated every step of the way.  I hate online retailers that never tell you what the hell is going on with your order.  BUMMER!
Since the chair was customized with the fabric of my choice I had to wait 5 weeks.  I was amazed how fast that went.  Then I got totally freaked out because 5 weeks went by and I have no idea what I did in those 35 days or where it went.  I’ll be dead soon!  (kidding!)

The thing is that without going into too much detail… Richie can retire in 3 years and I can in 10.  I would really love for him to do it and maybe find a totally “fun” job that he can do part time.  It would be awesome.  So at this point in our lives I’m trying to cross things off that list while we can.  Get the things we want now, and enjoy and want for nothing when we do retire.  It may seem silly but I do think like that.
So here she is.  One more thing off my list.  Forgive all the photos.  Most people take pictures of their kids… I take pictures of my office chair (same thing).  HA HA HA!

Eames Aluminum Group Management Chair

A good pop of satsuma orange is just what this space needed!

Eames Aluminum Group Management Chair

The shiny new aluminum body and chrome wheels just beg you to sit and spin.  YOU BET I took her for a spin.  (I’m a child who is easily amused)  She’s smooth.  The wheels are fast too.  You’ve seen my hallway.  I raced her down it.  Yes, I did!

Eames Aluminum Group Management Chair

Eames Aluminum Group Management Chair

So hard work, whether it be on this house or at my job, does pay off and the pay off is different for everyone.  This is mine!  If I had hired all the people I would have needed to finish this house I wouldn’t be sitting in my orange delight.  :-)  It’s so worth it!

Eames Aluminum Group Management Chair

So yes, I’m excited and I love sharing that excitement with you, but just so you know…  it could all go away tomorrow and I could be sitting on a milk crate.  I’d still be happy because things are just things.
But I cant lie… I’m giddy!

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19 thoughts on “Take A Seat

  1. ScrapAndSalvage

    i just wet my drawers. i hoped orange was on your list of color choices. it’s just MAKES the space. i’m orange with envy, but oh so happy for you!!! your space is now complete (and what space wouldn’t be with an HM chair?!). worth every penny. i bet you twirl in this thing for a week straight (while being careful not to wreck her wheels!). QUA.LI.TY. what a great way to end your summer (not that the weather says it’s over)!!!!!!!!!!

  2. D'Arcy H

    OMG Stacey–she’s orangorgeous!! What a treat! Yeah, mid-century has become the “it” thing … I had a feeling years ago that was going to happen. But you are doing the real thing–many others will just pass on to the next “it.” And I know what you mean about time passing so fast. In a week I will wake up and be 80 (not really!!)–and then what? We will retire in three years, too–and then what?? ACCKK!!! Enjoy every day, that’s what!

  3. Tove

    Oh Stacey, it looks perfect, beautiful, stunning, gorgeous, AND all the other superlatives!! I’m so happy for you! I’m not a shopping gal, either, But when it comes to vintage….
    Isn’t it great to feel that you’ ve really made an effort to achieve or earn something? I think so!

  4. Dana@Mid2Mod

    OMG…it’s freakin’ gorgeous! I don’t blame you for being giddy. Your fabric choice was perfect. I mean it. PERFECT. The Aluminum Group chair is truly one of the most beautiful pieces of office furniture ever made.

    Right before I retired, I went on a buying mission too. I agree 100% that when you work hard, you ought to have things you enjoy, and I decided to buy quite a few of them before the “big” money quit rolling in. (I say that tongue-in-cheek, since I was a school librarian at the time I retired, but I had worked a sweet deal the last three years that allowed me to get gobs of moonlight pay…for exactly the reason you mentioned.)

    My only regret about moving into my current small quarters is that I had to sell my Aeron chair. While not as beautiful as yours, it was the most comfortable chair I’ve ever had, and I can tell that I have a lot more aches and pains from long hours in front of the computer now that it’s gone.

    1. Stacey Post author

      Thanks, Dana! I imagine the next few years will be the time that I invest in pieces I have yet to find for “a steal”. Richie and I have planned well for our retirement and we’ll be ready. Having our home finished and complete with the pieces we really desire will be dreamy! Thanks for getting that. xo

  5. Karen L

    And she wrote “Why in the world don’t you hire someone to finish up this house of yours?” WHY? Because it is , really admit it, relaxing. RELAXING? Yes it is. Can you imagine how stressful it becomes having to oversee someone doing something you know you can do yourself and exactly the way you want it? Or having to explain over and over how you want it done and that person you are paying to do this thing, JUST DOESN’T GET IT ? ! ? ! That’s why it’s relaxing. (Besides, I might want to change it all right in the middle of things!)
    Love your chair and it looks great in your NEW office with all that wonderful lighting.

  6. cindy

    I don’t know what to comment first: how stunning the office is with that beautiful chair OR how well-deserved it is.
    I love how you put it- you and Richie do work hard. I can’t imagine how you guys do so much in between working full-time. But it saves some big dough and if that affords you little luxuries like the Eames office chair, then kudos are due.
    And how can you not love it- it is simply stunning ( I covet one myself, even though this butt has never even brushed the seat of one) and the satsuma orange is fantastic- the piece de resistance.
    And I relate to your comments that these are just things. I feel just the same but I still looooove beautiful things. Well designed pieces are art…. and appreciating art cannot be construed as shallow.

    I just love your style, your home and words- I so enjoy tuning in to your blog- thanks!
    (it’s been a busy summer & I haven’t been commenting but still reading faithfully)

    1. Stacey Post author

      Thank you Cindy! Just knowing you’re out there keeping up with us and checking in from time to time makes me smile. Thanks for being here!
      Yes, things are just things. I don’t believe you have to have expensive things or MANY things to have a lovely home. For the most part I find ways to incorporate found objects, handmade things, and estate sale finds to decorate my home. There are those times that a special piece will sneak in and it doesn’t come on a whim or in a hurry. I saved and waited for our dining table for 6 years. I saved for this chair for months. I imagine it outlasting me and someone else enjoying it’s beauty and construction long after I’m gone. Beautiful, well-made pieces are worth investing in. And I do think of them as investments. They are not things you toss when you tire of them. They are pieces you use, love, and watch them get better and better with time. I just love you for saying you can relate to that. You’re a class act, girl! Hope you’ve enjoyed your summer. I’m ready for some crisp, cool weather!

  7. Danielle

    The chair is so beautiful and looks stunning in the space. I love that you went with that color; it’s the perfect addition to all of the hard work you guys have put in. I can’t help but think that the Goode’s would be so thrilled at what you’ve done with the reception area.

    I also really appreciate you sharing your spending/saving philosophies. I think if we all tried to live this way a little more, our world would be so much healthier for it.

  8. rebecca@midcenturymodernremodel

    Hi there! Well, I just posted a genie bottle. Seriously. You post a chair all you like. And what a chair!!!! I LOVE it. I want one. I totally get it. Also, have you ever published that list. With photos. I think I would find it ever so inspirational as well. Love the color too. I think the green is nice as well but I would. NEVER EVER apologize for buying nice things. I certainly don’t. HAHA.

    1. Stacey Post author

      Rebecca… YOU ROCK! I adore you! Damn straight I shouldn’t apologize. I have no idea why I felt some sort of weirdness about that. I guess I just didn’t want to come off as materialistic or snotty. I work really hard for the things I get and I’m super proud of that fact. From my first car to that chair… I’ve bought everything I’ve ever owned. Thanks for getting that. And I wonder if you rub that bottle if you could get some wishes? HA HA! LOVE IT!!! Nice things are fun. xo

  9. Pingback: northstory notes - Sept 6, 2013 : northstory

  10. Michelle

    Hey there, I’ve been absent all summer but just wanted to comment – damn I love your chair. I like it better than mine. We splurged too and got the Embody chair at DWR, but I find it’s a little clunky for my sewing room. And not as comfortable as I would have hoped. I still use my Ikea cheapie for sewing lol! Yours looks way more sleek and industrial – and great choice of color!

    1. Stacey Post author

      Hi Michelle! Yes, I’m missed you and your posting. Glad you’re back in action. It’s so hard sometimes to do everything you want and need to do and find time to blog about it all. It’s easier to just chill for a while. Glad you’re here! As for the chair, thank you so much. I’m super proud to have it. The Embody chair is AWESOME, too! (they ain’t cheap!) I actually was worried about the comfort of the Eames chair so a friend of mine let me borrow his for a week and use it in my office. That’s a big investment to make on a piece of furniture so I was thrilled that I had the chance to “try before I buy”. I’m enjoying it so much and that color just hits me when I walk in the room. Good for smiles! Thanks again for stopping by!

  11. Amy

    I absolutely love that orange chair, which is now at the top of my new office wish list. That said, do you know more about the desk in the photo with the tan chair and the blue and white walls? That would also go high up the list. Thanks! Amy

    1. Stacey Post author

      Hi Amy! Thank you so much. It’s been at the top of my wish list for so long. I’m happy to scratch that wish off. Now it’s just a dream! A dream to sit in, that is. (laughing)
      I really have no idea about that desk. I believe it’s a stock photo as I’ve seen it online with different color walls and chairs and I never could determine where it originated or who made the desk.
      It is pretty killer, though. I hope you find it. (and GET IT!) Thanks for stopping by!

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