Is it done yet?

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After starting our re-finishing of the built-in cabinets/dresser in the master bedroom I was feeling really great about how it was going.  My plan to get this done in 2 weeks seemed doable. The stripping seemed to be getting the finish off and the sanding was revealing some really beautiful wood under it all.  YES, finally a job I could complete and have fabulous before and afters. WHATEVER! Then reality hits.  So the answer to is it done yet is simply a sigh of NO, not yet.  Unfortunately it’s always something and this time it’s my job slowing me down.

NPR Fundraising

( blogger venting – insert here )
I have mentioned before that I work for an NPR Radio Station and if any of you listen to public radio or watch PBS television, then you are well aware of the infamous and dreaded PLEDGE DRIVES! Oh God, say it isn’t so. Not another one! Not another tote bag and a coffee mug! Those annoying people that interrupt your program and blabber at you about how much they need your money to stay on the air, etc. etc.. and try to convince you non-stop for days and days to send money. Yes …  I’m that person. So my schedule is all out of wack at work and I’m on the air long periods of time and even on the weekends.  It’s temporary but it’s cutting into my plans. Me and my plans need to quit planning.  How will I ever accomplish anything?  At least that’s how I feel.  I’m sure you can relate.

Last night after I scarfed down some dinner and run outside to water plants before they all dry up and die, I began to look around and realized that more stuff is happening then I realized and I need to chill out and acknowledge all that is done and all that IS happening. It’s not a race and although the fancy before and after pictures are great, things happen inch by inch at this house so I needed to celebrate the inch that I moved in the last week.

Turns out I really DID make progress on the cabinets.  Everything is stripped, sanded, and more than half the drawers are painted and have 2 coats of satin poly on the wood.  Here’s a sneak peak.  I think they are looking pretty good.  (one inch)

Refinished Drawers

I planted flowers in all my empty beds and filled them with Marigolds and then put a nice layer of mulch on all my landscape beds in the front and back yard.  They look neat and pretty and all my flowers are growing and blooming like crazy  (one inch)

Flower Beds - Marigolds

We’ve been watering and tending to our tomato garden and it’s been growing right in front of our eyes.  Then one day you look up and think ….  bacon and lettuce get ready, the tomato is almost here. (one inch)

Tomato Garden

All of the plants are growing so well and there are tomatoes large and small on just about all of them.  Truth is, a garden requires time and care and you forget that you really are accomplishing something.

Cherry Tomatoes

And of course you make time for the little things that bring you joy.  Your husband, family, friends, reading, eating handpicked black berries over a bowl of frozen yogurt , and my hilarious cats who don’t seem to care that we live in dirt and dust and the furniture is always out of place.
(one inch)

Our Cats

berries and yogurt

And those Tolomeo lamps I ordered for the bedroom that were suppose to take 3-4 weeks ended up coming in seven days. They’ve been sitting here for over a week and I haven’t even opened them.  They could be in a million pieces for all I know.   ( so I must have been busy doing something to not even open them ) You’d think I’d be happy but it wasn’t in the plan!  So I end this terribly long post with a picture of the boxes that weren’t in the plan, and I remind myself that I shouldn’t plan or at least I shouldn’t feel bad about the plan changing… because when you take a breath and really look around things are happening and getting done slowly but surely, inch by inch.

Tolomeo Boxes

So it’s not done YET…. but we’re “inching our way” and I’m learning to be okay with that.  (at least that’s my plan)  HA HA!  Oh yeah, I wasn’t suppose to plan.  Oops.

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31 thoughts on “Is it done yet?

    1. Stacey@agoodehouse Post author

      Thanks! I guess we ALL probably accomplish more than we think if we take a minute to think about it. You guys get so much accomplished at your place it makes me jealous!

  1. RenovestorMama

    I am jealous of your yard – so neat and pretty. We have yet to tackle the outdoors of our project and I’m not looking forward to it. As handy as we are at interiors, I have zero skills outside. Wish me luck!

  2. erinlrogers

    This post almost made me cry, it hits so close to home. It is frustrating sometimes when you don’t feel like you’re moving fast enough. And, I can totally relate with work getting in the way! I keep repeating my mantra “there is no more wallpaper and we have floors AND it is going to look SO good when it’s done” I like your inch-by-inch thinking. We’ll see how long I can follow it :-)

    1. Stacey@agoodehouse Post author

      Okay, now you almost made me cry. I almost didn’t do this post today for fear that I was sounding whiny or dramatic … then just went for it because blogging has become a release for me. Then YOU made my day 100% better … like I’m not alone with that frustration and you understand. I love your mantra and YOU’RE SO RIGHT! Thank you for that. And by the way… YOUR FLOORS ARE AWESOME!

  3. NookAndSea

    Wow! So much cool stuff here. I listen to NPR all the time – it was my earthly savior from boredom in my one-hour lunch breaks, and I still listen to it when I’m on the road. The cabinets will look amazing! And that ICE CREEEAAAM looks so good!

    1. Stacey@agoodehouse Post author

      Thank you Kristina, It’s a fun place to work but it’s kickin’ my booty right now. I’m glad to know you’re a listener. NPR has great programming. Loved your guest post today on the small place contest. It’s so fun to see all those pretty spaces.

  4. Polly Johnson

    How you guys do house , yard, AND garden (those tomaters are AWESOME) and work at full-time jobs is amazing. And you write your blog regularly and keep us all updated. I am glad you are cutting yourself some well- deserved slack, Stacey.

    1. Stacey@agoodehouse Post author

      HA HA HA! Who are we kidding. I’m just trying to make myself feel better because I can’t pull off an HGTV moment. You know “We’re renovating an entire house and we’re doing it in 3 days”! I put that stress on myself and you know by now that I’m up and then I’m WAY Down. I tend to get caught up in this ONE thing and forget all about the other things that we’ve done. Having a blog is good for me (maybe not for readers at times like this.. but ya know) Thank you for always being so sweet. You’re the best, Polly! I wish I was closer so I could share those tomatoes with you.

  5. kibster

    It’s funny, I’ve been completely impressed with your accomplishments! I’ve been thinking that you must have an amazing amount of energy to be able to work AND chip away at home renovations/projects. Oh, AND blogging! It takes time to do that too! It’s so easy to put pressure on yourself- I’m guilty of that and I’m constantly giving myself lists and deadlines. Sometimes, as you know, you just have take a deep breath and look at the big picture. At least that’s what I’ve been trying to do lately. :)

    1. Stacey@agoodehouse Post author

      My husband is a “big picture” guy and he’s always telling me that too. Every time he does, and now you saying it, always makes me feel better because you’re absolutely RIGHT! I’m one of those people who has to make a conscious effort to see it that way. I wish it came naturally. I seem to think those lists and deadlines will keep me on track. HA HA! “The best laid plans”…. boy do they go awry. Thank you so much.

  6. Shirley T.

    “the crank radio” how many times have I heard how handy that is, for a pledge….lol…I wish you luck. NPR is dear to my heart – I fully support them and value their programming. So thanks for doing the drive.

    Your drawers look awesome, same for the garden, and toms….how long have yo been working on you place?

    1. Stacey@agoodehouse Post author

      Yea! NPR Supporter! Thanks, Shirley. How long? I think the answer may be why I have such ups and downs. It will be three years on May 7th. (possible an upcoming anniversary has me feeling like I should be further?) just had a revelation there. So yes, longer than I’d like… but it’s just the two of us on the weekends so it’s hard sometimes. Thank you for asking, Shirley. I know you’re doing the work on your house so you do understand. I was totally impressed with those copper pipe sweating skills by the way!!!!

  7. Storypiece

    What a great reminder! Sometimes it’s hard to see all that is getting accomplished when the list still feels like it’s a mile long. Your drawers look amazing! Seriously, like brand new. It’ll be well worth the time invested when it’s finished.

  8. VictoriaElizabethBarnes

    Catching up on past podcasts always skips me over the pledge drives—does that make me a bad member?

    Your drawers look fantastic. Just remember the diy equation:
    X = the amount of time you anticipate the project will take… Multiply X by any factor of three.

    1. Stacey@agoodehouse Post author

      Which one? The gray one? (I call her a Russian Blue but I’m sure she’s not one). If so… she is the craziest cat I’ve ever had. She fetches, and dunks balls in a basket, and refuses to eat her dinner unless you place her at the the bowl, and loves to be carried around like a baby over my shoulder. She’s a mess! I just love her so much… she’s 15 years old and still feisty and fun. What’s your cat like?

      1. Amber Rochow

        The grey one. Betty is extraordinarily independent but super loving. We give each other the appropriate amount of space (I’m allergic). She also likes to be placed at her food. Odd little thing! She just turned 4.

      1. Stacey@agoodehouse Post author

        That’s so nice! It’s hard to do, isn’t it. You get so focused on what we think are the BIG or IMPORTANT things … but really we manage to accomplish so much with all the little stuff too. I know you guys are working so hard on your place too, so thanks for reaching out and acknowledging that you feel the same. It made my day.

  9. Pingback: Progress – how do you measure it? | Duck Egg Blue

  10. Axe & Kirstin

    we know exactly how you feel! Having the blog and lots of before pictures really helps you realise that actually, you’ve done a lot.

    1. Stacey@aGh Post author

      Hi Emily. Thanks for the sweet compliment. I think a garden takes time and by that I mean we’ve had a garden for so many years that we’ve learned what to and not to do. We also live in a part of the country where it gets so warm so early that they go pretty crazy. Be sure to keep them watered and my husband SWEARS that pulling the little “suckers” off keeps them healthy. (suckers are the growth that appears in the crotch between the stem and a branch-off ) Just pinch them off if you see them. A little Miracle Grow tomato food always helps too. Good luck. I’ll stop by and see yours! :-)


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